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Pinxton Nursery School

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British Values

British Values

At Pinxton Nursery School our curriculum and teaching and learning is provided through the EYFS, a foundation which encourages children to understand and be acceptant of the diverse cultures and lifestyles within our local community and that of further afield.
Families are key to children feeling a sense of belonging and understanding their own identity. We provide every opportunity within our provision for childrens different arrangements of families, focusing on the children’s own identity, exploring and emphasising that it is something to be proud of.

Our Children and their families are integral to everything we do and therefore their voice is paramount. Parent questionnaires are completed and acted upon. Children are given opportunities to make choices and decisions, for example the children being involved in deciding what activities they would like to play with and setting the nursery rules.

Throughout the nursery school we consistently reinforce our high expectations of the children. We ensure that children are taught the values and reasons behind rules and expectations and why we have them to keep them safe and therefore what are the consequences when they are not followed.

Children are reminded of our rules verbally and they are scribed by staff with pictorial reminders and displayed around the nursery to provide reminders and revert back to when situations arise with in the Nursery School. Children are actively encouraged to make choices. As a school we provide an array of opportunities in which children can make choices, where there are boundaries and staff modelling and teaching which ensures that children do so safely.

Children’s ethnicity, religion and gender choices are considered on admission into the nursery school. Home visits and meetings with parents provide us with information to ensure that children are understood and allow us to make adaptations to provision, ensuring all children’s needs are met and their beliefs are respected.

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