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Pinxton Nursery School

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Our Governors

Information about our Governors, and statements which you may wish to know.

Our Governors

  • Chair of Governors - Mary Dooley
  • Headteacher - Jayne Allton
  • Staff Governor - Amy Coleman
  • Co-Opted Governor - Brian Marshall
  • Co-Opted Governor - Nikki Brownbridge
  • Local Authority Governor - Mary Dooley
  • Parent Governor - Lauren Bilkhu-Smith
  • Parent Governor - Andrea White-Paswan

Register of Business Interests for the Governors of Pinxton Nursery School (Maintained) 2023-2024

Governor Name


Governor Category

Term of Office Expiry

Nature of Business/Personal Interest


Governing Body meeting attendance 2022/23

Mary Dooley

Local Authority


Pinxton Parish Councillor

Related to a Deputy Nursery Nurse employed by Pinxton CIC Nursery School



Brian Marshall



Related by marriage to a Nursery Nurse employed by Pinxton Nursery School (Maintained)

Pinxton Parish Councillor



Jayne Allton



Headteacher of Pinxton Nursery School (Maintained) and Managing Director of Pinxton Community Interest Company (CIC)



Nikki Brownbridge



Employed on a part-time basis by Pinxton CIC



Lauren Bilkhu-Smith



Related to LA Governor, employee as Nursery Nurse at Pinxton CIC



Andrea White-Paswan






Amy Coleman



Related to the accountant (daughter/father) of the accountancy firm who audit Pinxton CIC Nursery accounts and the private school fund of the Maintained Nursery School



September 2023

Pinxton Nursery School (Maintained) Governing Body

All state maintained schools in England have a Governing Body, which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a ‘critical friend’: to support, to challenge, to ask questions and ultimately to represent the school community.

The Governing Body works in close partnership with the Headteacher, staff and the local authority. Whilst the Headteacher is, responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, the governors are involved with such things as staffing, curriculum, school buildings and finance. It ensures the school functions well and maintains the proper range of academic and social objectives.

Governing Body meetings

The Governing Body has five Governing Body meetings per academic year to meet and review the progress of the nursery school. 

Governing Body meetings for the 2023/24 academic year are on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 27th September 2023
  • Wednesday 6th December 2023
  • Wednesday 20th March 2024
  • Wednesday 1st  May 2024
  • Wednesday 3rd July 2024

Governing Body committees

The Governing Body also has Committees to deal with specific details of governing the school.  These committees report to the Governing Body meetings.  The committees and their remits for review and challenge are as follows:

  • Teaching and Learning Committee (TLC)- Key focus of the committee: -to monitor progress, pupil performance and other key improvement issues in the School Improvement Plan.
  • Resource Management Committee (RM)– Key focus of the committee: - to determine, approve and monitor the school’s budget, budgetary systems and allocation of resources, including personnel, pay, premises, strategy, health and safety and security responsibilities.
  • Headteacher Performance Management Committee (HTPM) - key focus to meet with the Headteacher and an External Advisor to undertake an appraisal of the Headteacher’s performance against previously agreed performance objectives. Agree objectives for the forthcoming Appraisal Cycle relating to Leadership and Management, Attainment and Progress and Teaching and Learning.
  • Pay Committee
  • Pay Appeal Committee



Link Governors

A number of governors are also ‘Link’ Governors with responsibilities to review curriculum and other areas of the school’s role.  Each named governor meets the teacher in school who is responsible for that area.

Governing Body Information

In September 2015, the governing body reconstituted under ‘The School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012’.   The standard term of office for a governor is four years (one year for parent governors). The chair and vice-chair are usually elected annually at the first meeting of the academic year.

The Chair of Governors is Mary Dooley who can be contacted via the school.

The Vice-Chair of Governors is Nikki Brownbridge

The Governing body is made up of seven governors divided into five governor categories:

Category of Governor

Headteacher (1)


Mrs Jayne Allton

Appointed by

Governing Body

Term of office

Whilst in post as Headteacher

Governor Committees served on:

Resource Management & Teaching and Learning

Responsibilities on governing body


Relevant Business Interests

Pinxton Community Interest Group (CIC) Nursery School – Managing Director

Governor for other educational establishments

None declared

Relationships between governors and any other staff members

None Declared


Category of Governor

Co-opted Governor (2) –


Brian Marshall

Appointed by

Governing Body

Term of office

18.09.2019 – 03.11.2023

Governor Committees served on:

Teaching and Learning

Headteacher Performance Management

Responsibilities on governing body

Health & Safety link governor

Relevant Business Interests

Pinxton Parish Councillor

Governor for other educational establishments

None declared

Relationships between governors and any other staff members

Related by marriage to a Nursery Nurse employed by Pinxton Nursery School (Maintained)



Nikki Brownbridge

Appointed by

Governing Body

Term of office

22.02.2023 – 21.02.2027

Governor Committees served on:

Teaching and Learning, Resource Management

Responsibilities on governing body

Vice Chair of governors and link governor for safeguarding & Anti-Bullying and Finance        

Relevant Business Interests

None declared


Governor for other educational establishments

None declared

Relationships between governors and any other staff members

Employee of Pinxton CIC



Category of Governor

Staff Governor (1)


Amy Coleman

Appointed by

Elected by staff members

Term of office

01.09.2023 – 31.08.2027

Governor Committees served on:

Resource Management (Chair)

Responsibilities on governing body

Update school website

Relevant Business Interests

Related to David Coleman (daughter/father) accountant who audits the CIC and private school accounts

Governor for other educational establishments

None declared

Relationships between governors and any other staff members

Employee of the school


Category of Governor

Local Authority Governor (1)


Mary Dooley

Appointed by

Local Authority

Term of office

18.04.2022 – 17.04.2026

Governor Committees served on:

Teaching & Learning and HT Performance Management

Responsibilities on governing body

Chair of Governors, Link Governor for Special Educational Needs & Disability & Pupil Premium & Looked after Children

Relevant Business Interests

Pinxton Parish Councillor


Governor for other educational establishments

None declared

Relationships between governors and any other staff members

Related to a Deputy Nursery Nurse employed by Pinxton CIC


Category of Governor

Parent Governors (2)


Andrea White-Paswan

Appointed by

Elected by Parents

Term of office

22.03.2023 – 21.03.2027

Governor Committees served on:

Teaching and Learning, Resource Management

Responsibilities on governing body

Link governor for EAL

Relevant Business Interests

None declared


Governor for other educational establishments

None declared

Relationships between governors and any other staff members

Parent of a child in school





Lauren Bilkhu-Smith

Appointed by

Elected by Parents

Term of office

19.09.2019 - 18.09.2023

Governor Committees served on:

Teaching and Learning

Responsibilities on governing body

Link governor for EYFS, Data and GDPR

Relevant Business Interests

None declared


Governor for other educational establishments

None declared

Relationships between governors and any other staff members

Related to LA Governor (Granddaughter/Grandmother)

Employee of Pinxton CIC


Governor Resignations

Date of Resignation

Alexandra Neijs

September 2022

The Clerk to the Governors is Mrs Deena Tivey.


Governor Impact Statement 2022/2023



Wow! What a year we have had at Pinxton Nursery School.


On behalf of all governors, I would like to say how immensely proud we are of our recent OFSTED report. Pinxton Nursery School continues to be a hub at the heart of our local community and as governors we aim to continue striving to provide our children with a safe, caring and happy environment.


Through our School Improvement Plan we will continue to develop and enhance learning opportunities for children. Communication and Language has been a big development in nursery and as governors we have seen first-hand during visits the consistent hard work from staff.


Pinxton Nursery School has worked hard to develop relationships within the community. Holding baby weigh clinics, baby groups and the annual family picnic during the summer is always a huge highlight for our families.


As governors we will continue to support our nursery to strive to offer the best outcomes for our children.


All details about our Governing Body can be found on the Pinxton Nursery School website.



Mary Dooley

Chair of Governors

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