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Pinxton Nursery School

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Baking Time

We love to bake! With support, our toddlers join in with baking twice a week to create their own pudding for tea time. The children are encouraged to follow instructions throughout our baking sessions. The children start by washing their hands and getting their aprons on. We encourage the children to recognise, weigh and mix the ingredients together. 


From our latest Ofsted inspection in August 2017 - 'The cook and staff provide children with a healthy range of snacks and meals. They provide opportunities for children to weigh and measure ingredients to make their own dessert each day, helping with mathematical skills' 

We worked hard to make 'Chocolate Chip Cookies' - The toddlers followed instructions well and were confident in washing and drying their hands. They were able to identify the ingredients correctly. All the children did a wonderful job! Well done Toddlers. Tuesday 25th June 2019

The toddlers have made 'Fruity Flapjack' this morning using oats, brown sugar, golden syrup, butter and raisins. Both tables did a wonderful job and were very proud of what they have made. Friday 7th June 2019

Here are the toddlers baking some cookies! Tuesday 7th May 2019

Here are the children making yummy flapjack - Friday 12th April 2019

Monday 15th April 2019 - The baby room have been very busy making 'Easter Nest Cakes' using shredded wheat and chocolate to take home today.

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