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Pinxton Nursery School

Opening Times

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Information - Toddler Room

Toddler Room 

The room has capacity for 16 children with a staff ratio of 1 staff member to 4 children (1:4)

Each child is cared for and is assigned a key person who is responsible for the general well-being of your child, their progress and development.

The team are very experienced and are happy to support you in all areas of your child's development. 

In the toddler room we have our childcare manager (Katy) and our deputy nursery nurse (Lauren) Within the toddler room our familiar members of staff support the children in developing their skills, extending their vocabulary and support them in forming special friendships.

Staff provide teaching and learning sessions within the toddler room each day, linking to an area of development and our focus topic for the week.

Structure of the Day

Session times are:

Breakfast - 7.30am - 8.30am

Morning session - 8.45am -11.45am

Lunchtime - 11.45am - 12.30pm

Afternoon session - 12.45pm-3.45pm

Teatime session - 3.45pm - 6.00pm


Snack time runs during our sessions - Morning Snack at 10.00am, Afternoon Snack at 2pm.

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