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Pinxton Nursery School

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Pinxton Nursery School and Pinxton 0-5  Nursery School




Pinxton Nursery School Maintained – was inspected 10 May 2023

The school received an overall effectiveness of Good with Outstanding for Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare.


What OFSTED said about the Maintained Nursery School

  • Children settle into Pinxton Nursery School quickly. They come into an environment where they feel safe and secure
  • Children benefit from the positive relationships that they have with staff. Staff have high expectations of children’s behaviour
  • Leaders want all children to enjoy ‘playing and learning for living’. Staff focus on helping every child to thrive and achieve well.
  • Children are well equipped with the character skills that they need for the next stages of their education.
  • There is a ‘family feel’ to this nursery school. Parents and carers are as much of a priority as the children here. Parents praise how staff involve them in everything that they do for their children.
  • The curriculum is ambitious and well sequenced across the seven areas of learning. Leaders have thought carefully about what they want children to learn and in what order.
  • Leaders prioritise communication and language development. Staff identify the key vocabulary that they want children to learn through their activities.
  • Reading is important at this school. Staff are skilled at involving children in reading.
  • Early mathematics is central to the planned curriculum. Children develop their early understanding of number in small, manageable steps.
  • Staff are proud to work at the school. They say that leaders are very supportive of their workload and well-being. Staff value the thoughtfulness of the headteacher.




  • The quality of adults’ interactions with children is variable. This means there is inconsistency in how well children are supported, through talk, to develop their knowledge of some concepts. Leaders should continue to support staff in developing their use of high-quality and timely interactions so that the teaching of all children is consistent.
  • Further training is needed to ensure that staff can support all groups of children consistently well. A small minority of pupils are not accessing their learning as well as they could. Leaders should ensure that all staff receive training so that they understand how to support all children, including those who speak English as an additional language.



To read our full OFSTED report please click on the following link:

Maintained OFSTED Report 




Pinxton 0-5 Nursery School CIC – was inspected on 14th April 2023

The quality and standards of the early year’s provision is an overall Good in all areas.


What OFSTED said about the childcare CIC Nursery

  • Children are warmly welcomed by a friendly, nurturing, and long-established staff team.
  • Children develop trusting relationships with the staff who care for them.
  • Staff take children to a quiet reading area to share stories and engage in singing times. Toddlers enjoy songs and rhymes and eagerly wait their turn to choose a song to sing
  • Children's communication and language development is promoted by staff. Staff consistently introduce new words during discussions, stories and play, ensuring that children hear a wide range of new words.
  • The manager demonstrates good self-evaluation and continually reflects with staff on their practice. Staff say the regular peer-on-peer observations give them new ideas and further develop their practice.
  • The manager invites visitors to the nursery to help provide memorable ways for children to learn.
  • The on-site nursery chef ensures that children eat a range of good-quality,healthy and nutritious meals and snacks. The chef and staff team are aware of, and meet, children's individual dietary needs.
  • Children build secure relationships with their key person.
  • Staff identify and take effective steps to help close gaps in children's learning. They know the importance of supporting children's additional needs and working with outside professionals when needed.
  • Partnerships with parents are good. Parents know about what their children are involved in at nursery.



  • Enhance younger children's independent access to books and quieter areas
  • Build on staff's questioning techniques to promote children's thinking skills and help them express their own ideas.


To read our full OFSTED report please click on the following link:



Parent View


Parents/ Carers of children in the Maintained Nursery are invited to share their views of the Nursery on the OFSTED Parent View site. If you would like to do this please follow the link:


Maintained Nursery Parent View 


You can also see what other parents have responded. 

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