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Pinxton Nursery School

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Our Curriculum and Ethos

Pinxton Nursery School and Pinxton 0-5  Nursery School

Curriculum Statement


The curriculum at Pinxton Nursery school is designed to raise standards and aspirations for all children. Our curriculum puts the child at the center of our caring, sharing, achieving Nursery School, where positive relationships based on mutual trust and respect are at the heart of everything we do. Our curriculum exposes our children to enriching experiences, immersing them in progressive knowledge and skills, enabling children to develop the characteristics required to succeed in life. The curriculum is delivered through creative and exciting activities, which allows children to express themselves as individuals.

Implementation – Experiences

Our Curriculum will be:

  • Inclusive
  • Challenging
  • Exciting
  • Real and experiential
  • Current
  • Child centered and driven by the child’s voice
  • Culturally diverse
  • In partnership with parents
  • PSE at the heart of the curriculum - which meets the needs of the children


Measured by:

  • Our children have a good levels of basic skills and are ready for school
  • Our children have a good standard of achievement in a range of subjects
  • Our children enjoy and value learning
  • Our children are confident, independent, resilient and have a real thirst for learning
  • Our children are able to form meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and trust, recognising and celebrating differences, not only within the school community but also within the wider world.
  • Our children have access to wide and varied curriculum, which is practical, and play based, allowing each of them to excel as individuals and be the best they can be.
  • Our children have aspirations and a thirst to learn
  • Our children grow up being able to make a positive contribution to the world in which they live.





Our School Vision is “Playing and Learning for Living”

At Pinxton Nursery School we are committed to high quality Early Years Education and Childcare. We aim for all children to become resilient, confident learners to achieve their full potential, and to develop skills, interests and resilience that provide the scaffolding for future learning.


Our Aims are to:

  • Provide a caring learning environment that is happy, friendly and secure.
  • Provide a curriculum that is inclusive to all children.
  • Provide opportunities and experiences which promote creativity, enquiry and inspiration, forming the foundations for future learning and development.
  • Provide further opportunity by enhancing our continuous provision areas.
  • Promote children’s independence, confidence and self-motivation.
  • Stimulate curiosity and challenge through a free flow approach of indoor and outdoor learning.
  • Provide a nurturing environment where children of all ages are listened to, valued and feel safe and secure.
  • Promote respect and consideration for others and for their well-being.
  • Provide an environment that works collaboratively with and supports the whole family.
  • Provide an environment that is rich in language and words.
  • Provide an environment that explores numbers and problem solving on a daily basis to develop creative thinking.

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