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Pinxton Nursery School

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We intend for our children to develop their own understanding of number, quantity, shape and space. Children should become problem-solvers, pattern-spotters and sense-makers. Every child is entitled to a strong mathematical foundation, which is built through playful exploration.



Mathematical experiences are developed through continuous provision, inside and outside. Enhanced provision and small group story time sessions develop specific mathematical knowledge. Stories, songs, games, practical activities and imaginative play provide a platform for learning. We provide plenty of time and opportunities for children to revisit develop and make sense for themselves. This is further supported by adult interaction and modelling, and a mathematically rich environment.



Our children are confident mathematicians, who are enthusiastic learners.


Area of Mathematics

When children enter our Nursery they are able to

When children leave our Nursery they are able to


  • Respond to words like “lots” or “more”
  • Compare two small groups of up to five objects, saying when there are the same number of objects in each group


  • Say some counting words


  • Display counting-like behaviour, making sounds and pointing or saying some numbers in sequence
  • Enjoy counting verbally as far as they can go


  • Point or touch (tag) each item, saying one number for each item, using the stable order of 1,2,3,4,5.


  • Use some number names and number language within play, and may show fascination with large numbers


  • Begin to recognise numerals 0 to 10


  • Use number words, like one or two and sometimes respond accurately when asked to give one or two things
  • Subitise one, two and three objects (without counting)


  • Count up to five items, recognising that the last number said represents the total counted so far (cardinal principle)


  • Link numerals with amounts up to 5 and maybe beyond


  • Explore using a range of their own marks and signs to which they ascribe mathematical meanings



  • Know that numbers are made up (composed) of smaller numbers


  • Begin to use their understanding of number to solve practical problems in play and meaningful activities


  • Begin to recognise that each counting number is one more than the one before


  • Separate a group of three or four objects in different ways, beginning to recognise that the total is still the same

Spatial Awareness

  • Enjoy filling and emptying containers


  • Investigate fitting themselves inside and moving through spaces
  • Respond to and use language of position and direction


  • Predict, move and rotate objects to fit the space or create the shape they would like


  • Push objects through different shaped holes, and attempt to fit shapes into spaces on inset boards or puzzles


  • Sometimes select a shape for a specific space


  • Enjoy using blocks to create their own simple structures and arrangements
  • Choose items based on their shape which are appropriate for their purpose


  • Respond to both informal language and common shape names


  • Show awareness of shape similarities and differences between objects


  • Enjoy partitioning and combining shapes to make new shapes with 2D and 3D shapes


  • Create arches and enclosures when building, using trial and improvement to select blocks


  • Become familiar with patterns in daily routines


  • Join in with and predict what comes next in a story or rhyme


  • Begin to arrange items in their own patterns, e.g. lining up toys
  • Create their own spatial patterns showing some organisation or regularity


  • Explore and add to simple linear patterns of two or three repeating items, e.g. stick, leaf (AB) or stick, leaf, stone (ABC)


  • Join in with simple patterns in sounds, objects, games and stories dance and movement, predicting what comes next


  • Show an interest in size and weight


  • Explore capacity by selecting, filling and emptying containers, e.g. fitting toys in a pram


  • Begin to understand that things might happen now or at another time, in routines
  • Find the longer or shorter, heavier or lighter and more/less full of two items in meaningful contexts


  • Recall a sequence of events in everyday life and stories


How you can help your child at home:

  • Point out the number of things, rather than just names, e.g. we have two apples.
  • Give lots of opportunities for counting for a real reason, and emphasise the last number.
  • Cut out a large shape from a cereal box (circle, triangle), then cut that shape into 4 pieces to make a simple puzzle.
  • When playing at the park, use words like ‘up’ ‘under’ and ‘between’ to talk about what we see.

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