Weather 2022
Focus Topic - Weather
27th June - 8th July 2022
This week the children have been talking and learning about different weather types. We enjoyed looking and sharing stories relating to our topic within our group time. We have been practicing singing weather related songs e.g. The sun has got his hat on, Doctor Foster, Rain Rain go away, build a snowman and I hear thunder. The children are fantastic at creating the actions to go with these nursery rhymes.
Weather Matching Game
The children were able to match the weather types correctly and play a lovely game with their friends. We worked together and talked confidently about which type of weather we like the best.
Children will increase their concentration and attention span by playing memory games because they will need to focus on this type of game. Picking up cards and putting them back in place will build fine motor skills in a fun way. When you play a game like this, children will learn problem-solving skills and critical thinking because they need to understand which picture goes with which picture, match numbers and words, and so much more.

We explored a range of materials to represent 'rain' the children explore rice and lentils with their friends. We practiced our filling and pouring of containers, using language such as 'more' and 'full' The children were able to talk about things we must wear in rain, sun and snow. We had lots of fun playing outside in the sunshine this week, the children remembered to wear their sunhats and we needed our sun cream due to the hot weather.