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Pinxton Nursery School

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Childcare (CIC) Nursery will remain closed until Thursday 28th January 2021

Childcare - Pinxton 0-5 Nursery School


Following on from the text last night the childcare will remain closed. This is due to the number of staff having to self-isolate.

Childcare will hopefully reopen on Thursday 28th January 2021

If you have not been contacted your child does not need to self-isolate however the next few days are crucial and I will update you all if there are any further positive cases.


A letter will be sent to you confirming the above information but also can be found on our website under the childcare page.


If you need to contact nursery over the next ten days please email

Deena and I will be self-isolating, the staff in school will be busy with children and therefore unable to answer the phone.


Please do not send your child to Nursery if they or anyone in your household is unwell. 

Please do not leave the home unless it is necessary.


Take care 


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