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Pinxton Nursery School

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Flu Vaccine - Information for Parents and Carers

lu vaccines to help keep you and your family well this winter

Information for parents and carers

Having a flu vaccine if you are eligible and able to have it, is an important way to help protect yourself, your family and those you have contact with from flu infection. It is expected there will be high levels of flu germs circulating this year so, it is particularly important to take up the offer of a vaccine. This will help reduce the risk of illness within your family.

GP’s will again be inviting all 2- and 3-year-old children to have a flu vaccination. This vaccination, like all other routine childhood vaccinations is free, so you do not need to pay.



Information for Pregnant women

For any parents/carers that are pregnant, please look at

Vaccines are available to help to protect both mother and baby. Complications from infection are more likely in pregnancy, as those who are pregnant are not able to fight off infection easily.

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